A large fire broke out at a Mandan apartment complex early Thursday morning around 1:00 am on April 11 . The fire engulfed two neighboring 8-plex apartment buildings, resulting in the complete destruction of all units. While twelve units were occupied and deemed a total loss, two lower-level apartments sustained less damage, but the beds were destroyed.
Thankfully, all families evacuated safely, without any injuries. However, the beds in these apartments are now unusable, leaving 28 individuals, including adults and children displaced.
In response to this tragedy, 40 Winks, our program dedicated to providing new beds to children, extends its support to all when such a tragedy occurs.American Red Cross and the Slumberland Bismark’ s store are working diligently to ensure these familiesreceive the new beds they need for a good nightssleep as they transition to new accommodations.

Our heartfelt gratitude to Rebecca Lawson and the Bismark Slumberland store for their commitment to helping their community and utilizing the 40 Winks program that is available to all our Slumberland stores to use.
Securing beds for 28 individuals underscores the compassionate spirit of Slumberland’ s foundation and our mission: Giving beds~Changing lives.
We also express our appreciation to all who support our program, with your help, we have gifted over 55,000 new beds and continue to make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve.